Читай цю статтю українською тут.
We want all Ukrainians, even those abroad and in occupied territories, to be able to use ClearVPN Premium for free. That is why we made it possible for anyone with Ukrainian citizenship (and an active Diia.Signature) to verify it in the app and get Premium for free.
First of all, update your ClearVPN app. Here's how to do it, depending on your platform. Second, you'll need an active Diia. You can learn how to get it on this page.
Here's how to get the Premium version of the app, depending on your platform.
I get the "403 Forbidden" error. What do I do?
On mobile
1. Install ClearVPN 2 on your iPhone here. The Android version can be downloaded from here.
2. Open ClearVPN and tap Explore the app. Agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
3. Tap the gear icon in the upper right corner of the app to open settings. Select Glory to Heroes! 🇺🇦.
4. Create an account with your email address.
5. Sign the request with Diia.Signature in your Diia mobile app.
6. Here you go! Your Ukrainian citizenship is now confirmed. Enjoy ClearVPN Premium for free. Glory to Ukraine!
On desktop
1. Get ClearVPN 2 for your Mac or Windows PC from here.
2. Open the app; tap Explore the app. Select the gear icon in the bottom left corner.
3. Go to Stand with Ukraine 🇺🇦.
4. Click Get Premium for free.
5. Create an account or sign in.
4. Sign the request via your Diia mobile app.
5. You're ready to go! Your ClearVPN Premium awaits you!
In your browser
1. Sign in or create a new account on this page.
2. Tap the Дія.Підпис button to verify your citizenship. It's under the information about your subscription plan.
3. Open the Diia app on your smartphone and scan the QR code to verify citizenship. Sign the request with Diia.Signature using Diia.
5. Download and install ClearVPN 2 for your device from here.
6. Sign in to your account.
7. Done! You now have access to all features of the new ClearVPN 2. Glory to Ukraine!
Is it safe?
Yes! First, ClearVPN does not get users' personal data when they use Diia.Signature. Second, our app collects no information about what they do online and uses the best industry-grade encryption.
All documents in Diia have special codes used to check information. They are generated when the user taps the document in the app. These codes do not contain any personal information, can be used only once, and work for three minutes. Read more about them here.
What do I do if I get the "403 Forbidden" error after tapping «Confirm»? 😳
Here's how to fix that.
On iPhone:
1. Close your browser and open Diia.
2. Leave the Diia app.
3. Reload the ClearVPN app (quit and open it again).
4. Try to verify your citizenship once again.
5. Tap Open in the upper right corner of the browser page.
On Android:
1. Open the Diia app and leave it.
2. Go to your smartphone's settings
3. In the Apps menu, choose Diia.
4. Select the Open by default menu
5. Activate Open supported links
6. Choose Add.
7. You're good to go! Open ClearVPN and try to verify yourself once again.